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Les Gemmettes

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Héléna et Laura Wainstein

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  • Les-Gemmettes-Maisons-de-Mode-Lapis-Lazuli
  • Les-Gemmettes-Maisons-de-Mode-Obsidienne

Les Gemmettes is the story of Helena and Laura, two sisters of heart and soul, who cultivate the dream of working together, and who have long held this intention in unison. Helena, the youngest in her early thirties, lives in their native region of northern France, which she left and then found. She built her professional career through several decisive stages. She first obtained a DUT in marketing techniques, then she completed a BTS in space design. She quickly turned to the product. Entering the Institut Supérieur de Design de Valenciennes directly in the third year, she discovered fashion accessories there through school projects and internships (Chez Elle and Christian Dior in particular), and obtained her master’s degree. in design engineering. At the end of this course, Helena landed her first employment contract at Louis Vuitton, as a designer in small leather goods & amp; accessories. Following this experience, she met the stylist from nat & amp; nin and, for six months, she lent him a hand in the creation of the new leather goods and SLG collection for men / women. Back in Lille after more than a year in Paris, Helena finally discovers the world of jewelry at FlowersforZo.É, one that will truly and lastingly change the rest of her career. With three very complementary degrees and experiences, and driven by a desire for independence and free creation, Helena is embarking on the great adventure of self-entrepreneurship! Since 2018, she has been a freelance stylist / graphic designer in fashion accessories & amp; House.

Laura, eleven years her senior, is a doctor. She did the first part of her medical studies in Lille, then her double specialization in Nantes. For the past four years, accompanied by her little family cocoon, she has lived in Switzerland, in Geneva, in order to discover new horizons, both personal and professional. Then she returned to France a few months ago in order to be closer to her family and (re) put her suitcases on the Atlantic shore. Laura, however, continues her part-time hospital activity at the University Hospitals of Geneva and began training in medical acupuncture in Brussels last year. An inexhaustible need for new knowledge and a desire to reinvent the therapeutic alliance that will always take him everywhere! Helena and Laura often go beyond their limits, both geographical, professional and generational, and meet for everything, for nothing, here as elsewhere. The summer of 2018 will leave its mark on both hearts. They are then in family in the south of Portugal. Helena aspires to create a line of jewelry filled with elegance, sobriety and carrying a strong symbolic charge. Laura is looking for a new way to support others and go beyond the healing of ailments to move towards the promotion of wellness. They thus begin to make together a draft project around these two axes. This is precisely when gems come into their life! It was obvious, as if magic enveloped them … Helena perceives in these stones an ancient beauty, a timeless purity. Laura sees multiple potentials in them, hoping for their benefits. Then in the fall, Laura suffered from health problems that rocked the whole family a bit. This project then became a hope, a cure. And what a cure! Accompanied and supported by those around them, in the winter Helena and Laura embarked on the adventure! In a shared creative drive, one draws and imagines, the other writes and trains in lithotherapy. And a few months later, resulting from this fabulous union, their very first Gemmettes were born.

Their promise … a meeting! What matters most today to these two Gemmette sisters, what drives them indeed, is to continue to write this story as they meet. Helena and Laura are very attached to the values of exchange and sharing. This is how, through a personalized diagnosis in lithotherapy, the two sisters guide each person who wishes to find the gem that corresponds to their needs, to their energy. As the creator or creator of their own life, each person can indeed choose their gem for themselves … by look, by hand, by word and by spirit. You just have to learn to listen to your intuition … This whole adventure is a love story above all … Between us and with you!

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